Bifold Doors Cost: Factors Influencing Your Investment

Bifold Doors Cost: Factors Influencing Your Investment

Bifold doors have gained popularity in the UK for their ability to efficiently connect indoor living spaces with the outside, offering an elegant solution for those wishing to maximise natural light and enhance accessibility. They are available in a range of styles and materials, each bringing a unique aesthetic and functionality to a property. However, the cost to install bifold doors can vary widely depending on various factors including size, material, and complexity of installation.

When considering the installation of bifold doors, it’s important to understand the financial investment involved. Typically, prices may range from lighter aluminium bifold doors starting around £1,500 to more expensive options which can cost up to £4,000 or more, including installation. This price spectrum reflects basic options to more premium designs, influenced by the door’s dimensions, the type of glazing, and the manufacturer. you should also account for labour costs, which can run between £600 and £1,200, to ensure a precise and secure fitting by professional door installers.

To obtain a more accurate estimate that reflects individual preferences and the specific requirements you are advised to seek free door fitting quotes from reputable local door fitters. Additionally, exploring options such as bifold door costs in 2024 may provide useful budgeting insights. Understanding these costs is crucial for anyone looking to invest in bifold doors, as it ensures that they make an informed decision.

Understanding Bifold Doors

Bifold doors are a popular feature designed to combine aesthetics with practicality, providing flexibility in how room space is used. There are several factors such as types, size, material, and configuration that must be considered to ensure the right choice.

Types of Bifold Doors

Bifold doors come in a variety of types including aluminium bifold doors, timber bifold doors, uPVC bifold doors, and composite bifold doors. Aluminium variants are known for their durability and sleek, modern look. Timber offers a classic, warm aesthetic but requires more maintenance. uPVC is cost-effective and offers good thermal performance, whereas composite bifold doors combine different materials to offer enhanced characteristics.

Size Considerations

The size of the bifold door will directly impact not only the appearance but also the functionality. Sizes range from small bifold doors suited to narrower openings to large bifold doors for expansive spaces. The total opening available and the desired number of panels are also crucial in determining the appropriate size.

Material Quality and Selection

Choosing the right material for bifold doors is critical for both performance and appearance:

  • Aluminium: High-quality, low maintenance, offers slim profiles for more glass and less frame.
  • uPVC: More affordable, good insulation properties, but may have wider sightlines.
  • Timber: Offers a high-end look, but can be more expensive and requires regular upkeep to maintain its finish.

Configuration and Style

Configuration and style play a vital role in the practicality of bifold doors. There are variations in styles such as the number of panels that fold to one side or split to fold in both directions. Configurations can include anything from two-panelled to upwards of seven-panelled sets. 

Cost Factors

When considering the installation of bifold doors, it is important to acknowledge that several factors will influence the overall cost. The price can vary significantly based on materials chosen, labour expenses, additional costs that may arise, and the particular size and configuration of the door system.

Material Costs

Materials are a substantial component of bifold door pricing. The type of material not only affects the appearance and durability but also the cost:

  • Aluminium bifold doors are priced higher due to their strength, slim profiles, and low maintenance, often costing between £1,700 – £2,900.
  • uPVC bifold doors offer a cost-effective option, known for their affordability and good insulation properties.
  • Timber bifold doors, such as those made from hardwoods, are typically at a premium due to their aesthetic appeal and natural insulating qualities.
  • Composite bifold doors, which combine materials, can provide a balance between cost, appearance, and performance.
  • Glass quality, e.g., double glazing or tempered safety glass, can also impact the final material costs for bifold doors.

Labour Costs

Labour costs for bifold door installation can significantly affect the overall expense:

  • Installation typically ranges from £600 – £1,200, with variations depending on the complexity of the job.
  • It is recommended to hire a professional door fitter to ensure a reliable installation, which is crucial for operation and longevity.
  • DIY installation might reduce costs but could affect the guarantee and final finish.

Additional Expenses

There are often additional costs to include in your budget:

  • Disposal of old doors may incur a fee.
  • Maintenance considerations, like treatments for timber doors, will have an ongoing cost.
  • Advice from an architect or structural engineer might be needed for certain installations, adding to the overall expense.

Pricing by Size and Configuration

The size and configuration of bifold doors are a pivotal element to pricing:

  • Smaller sizes, like 1.79m to 2.4m, range from £1,350 to £2,200.
  • For medium-sized bifold doors between 2.7m and 3.5m, costs are around £2,240 to £4,070.
  • Larger door panes which range from 3.6m to 5m can reach upwards of £2,680 to £6,200.

Costs can be further influenced by the number of panels and the overall dimensions, with extensive customisations affecting the final bifold doors cost.

Installation Process

When contemplating the installation of bifold doors, you should consider the complexity of the project which often necessitates specialised tools and precise measurements. The installation encompasses preparing the aperture, securing fittings, and ensuring the doors operate smoothly.

Professional Installation vs DIY

Professional installation of bifold doors comes with the assurance of experience and expertise, which is essential in achieving a seamless finish. Labour costs may vary, but benefits include a warranty and the use of the correct hardware and tools. On the other hand, DIY installations can reduce costs but require a good skill level, proper tools such as a drill, spirit level, screwdriver, and tape measure, and a thorough understanding of the door type specifications.

Installation Steps

Step 1: Initial Preparation

  • Measure the aperture precisely
  • Check for level and plumb using a spirit level

Step 2: Secure the Frame

  • Use a drill to fix the door frame into the aperture
  • Ensure all fittings are tightly secured

Step 3: Hang the Doors

  • Attach rollers and guides provided with the hardware
  • Hang the doors onto the track

Step 4: Finishing Touches

  • Adjust doors for smooth operation
  • Seal edges for weatherproofing

Time and Duration of Installation

The duration of bifold door installation projects can fluctuate based on factors such as the complexity of the installation and the number of panels. Typically, professional fittings take between 1 to 3 days. DIY projects may extend longer due to learning curves and potential adjustments, emphasising the importance of patience and attention to detail for a successful installation.

Bifold Door Performance and Enhancements

When considering bifold doors, you should examine not just the visual appeal but also the functional benefits and technical enhancements available. Features such as glazing options, energy efficiency, security, and the ability to enhance natural light significantly influence bifold door performance.

Glazing Options

Bifold doors offer a range of glazing options to cater to different needs. You can choose from double glazing for enhanced insulation or triple glazing for superior energy conservation and noise reduction. The type of glass, including options like toughened or laminated, can affect both safety and performance.

Energy Efficiency

The U-value is a critical metric for energy efficiency, with lower values indicating better insulation. Materials like UPVC, timber, and aluminium can affect a door’s U-value. Timber doors naturally have good insulating properties, while aluminium doors can achieve excellent energy efficiency when combined with a thermal break.

Security Features

Security features are paramount in bifold doors, with advanced locking mechanisms being a standard. Multipoint locks offer higher security, and many doors now come with anti-lift systems and high-security cylinders. Materials like aluminium provide strength, adding to the safety and security of the bifold doors.

Natural Light and Aesthetics

Bifold doors maximise natural light and can transform spaces, creating a seamless transition between internal and external areas such as gardens. The view through large glass panels is unobstructed, and the aesthetic appeal of bifold doors can be a significant consideration, enhancing the visual connection with the outdoors.


Bifold Doors for Commercial Projects

Bifold doors in commercial projects can dramatically alter the functionality and aesthetics of a business premise. They provide wide access points and the ability to open up spaces for different uses or events. The investment in bifold door costs can lead to a more significant sense of space and transparency in places such as cafes or galleries, where indoor-outdoor flow is essential.


Purchasing Advice

When considering the purchase of bifold doors, attention to detail in selecting the right supplier, obtaining quotes, and understanding warranties becomes pivotal.

Choosing the Right Supplier

Select a supplier with a robust track record and positive feedback from prior installations. The supplier’s reputation for delivering quality products on time and within budget is crucial. They should be able to provide an extensive range of options to cater to various preferences and requirements. Suppliers such as Huxley and Co give an idea of the expected cost in the UK.

Evaluating Warranties and Accreditations

Examine the warranties and industry accreditations carefully, as they are indicators of product quality and installation standards. Warranties should cover both product defects and workmanship for a reasonable period. Accreditations might include certifications from recognised industry bodies that ensure compliance with the best practices.

Importance of Professional Advice

Always seek professional advice from experienced door fitters or specialists. Professionals can guide material choices, design compatibility, and overall functionality. Reputable companies often provide consultations to better understand your requirements and advise accordingly.

Calculating Overall Cost

Total costs should include supply costs, installation, and any additional customisations. Budgeting for VAT and delivery, if not included in the quote, is also necessary. Keep in mind that prices can vary based on the size, material, and complexity of the installation. 

Remember, high-quality bifold doors can be a significant investment, hence ensure thoroughness in the preparatory phase to mitigate future issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of bifold doors in the UK can vary significantly based on various factors, which include the door’s size, material, and installation costs. This section aims to address common queries and provide clarity on the financial aspects of purchasing and installing bifold doors.

What is the average installation cost for a set of external bifold doors?

The average installation cost for a set of external bifold doors usually hovers around £4,000, with labour costs ranging from £600 to £1,200, depending on the complexity of the job.

Can you provide an estimate for the price range of internal bifold doors?

Prices for internal bifold doors can be substantially lower, starting from around £600 and going up to £4,000, subject to the door specifications and the material quality desired.

How does the cost of bifold doors increase with size, for example, for 5-metre wide openings?

A significant factor in pricing, large bifold doors for openings such as 5 metres wide can see an increase in cost, with average prices typically ranging between £900 and £1,000 inclusive of VAT, reflecting the additional material and labour required.

What additional expenses should be anticipated when calculating the overall cost of bifold doors?

Purchasers should anticipate potential additional costs, including structural alterations, threshold changes, and any bespoke design features, which can all contribute to the final price.

Is there a difference in cost between aluminium and uPVC bifold doors?

Indeed, the material plays a critical role in the cost, with aluminium bifold doors usually presenting a higher price point, often between £1,500 to £4,000, compared to their uPVC counterparts, due to their durability and bespoke options.

What factors influence the price variation for bifold doors in the UK market?

Factors such as door size, material, finish, glazing options, and security features significantly influence the price variation in the UK market for bifold doors, as does the complexity of the installation process.